The main goal of our society is to create the possibility for our members to enlarge their knowledge, to create the framework for their further vocational training and for maintaining relationships among themselves. EMT is also an organization representing the interests and coordinating the activity of the Hungarian speaking technical and natural scientific professionals in Romania. We consider the cultivation of the Hungarian technical terminology as an important objective, and we intend to achieve this goal through the possibilities for improvement offered by conferences, publications and the exchange of experience. In order to acquire updated and modern knowledge, new relationships are forged and cultivated with technical and natural scientific organizations, educational institutions and experts from Hungary and other countries.
Our main domains of activity are: organizing international conferences, publishing printed materials, organizing special camps and competitions for students, offering technically oriented specialty courses in Hungarian language at various Transylvanian universities, offering expertise in different technical fields.
Our departments: Computer Science; Mining, Metallurgy and Geology; Architecture and Civil Engineering; Wood Industry; Physics; Geodesy; Mechanical Engineering; Energetics and Electrical Engineering; Chemistry; Sylviculture; Palocsay Rudolf - Young Farmers’ Association.
In 2000 we took part at the European Baroque Routes program.
We organize yearly the following international conferences:
- Conference on Computer Sciences
- Mining, Metallurgy and Geology Conference
- Conference on Mechanical Engineering
- Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering
- Conference on Geodesy
- Conference on Energetics and Electrical Engineering
- Conference on Physics “Körmöczi János”
- Conference on Sylviculture
- Conference on Chemistry
All presentations, for each conference, are published in a separate conference proceeding.
We organized the following competitions and camps for secondary and high-school pupils:
- “Nemes Tihamér” computer science competition
- “Öveges József” and “Vermes Miklós” physics competitions
- “Hevesy György - Irinyi János” chemistry competition
- Nature exploration-Ecology camp,
- Computer science camp,
- Astronomy camp.
We published the following books and magazines- besides the conference proceedings (all in Hungarian language):
- FIRKA - physics, chemistry and computer science for high school pupils and teachers, appearing since 1990, 6 numbers each academic year
- Műszaki Szemle - Technical Review - containing scientific publications, appearing since 1998, 4 numbers each year
- EMT Bulletin - appearing monthly since 1990