Öveges József - Vermes Miklós Physics Competitions

The Hungarian Technical Scientific Society of Transylvania, together with its Hungarian affiliate organizations, organizes every year the Vermes Miklós Physics Competition for IX-XI grade high schoolers. At the local phase, usually 500-800 students participate from across Transylvania, out of which the best fifteen students are entitled to participate at the finals in Hungary. There they compete against students from Slovakia, Hungary, and the Ukraine on various theoretical and practical examinations. Since 2002, our society organizes the Öveges József Physics Competition for middle school students. The best four students are invited to Hungary to participate at the finals.

Organizing Committee:

Dr. CSEGZI Sándor, president of the Physics Department at the Hungarian Technical Scientific Society of Transylvania 
Mr. DARVAY Béla, retired teacher of physics, Cluj
Mr. TELLMANN Jenő, retired teacher of physics, Cluj
Ms. POPA Márta, János Zsigmond Unitarian High School, Cluj
Mr. VÖRÖS Alpár, Apáczai Csere János High School, Cluj
Mr. CZILLI Péter, Báthory István High School, Cluj